This is brilliant! Makes me want to make an adfilm right now!

Click here for the SHOTS interview with director/producer duo Ben and Adam Callner.

Also featured on Short Of The Week.

PRODUCER: Adam Callner
DP: Doug Chamberlain
EDITORS: Ben Callner, Joe Kell, Alex Pirrone, Ben Suenaga
CAST: Ted Cannon, Jocelin Donahue, Judy Kain, Dar Dixon, Jarrod Crawford, Tim Karasawa, Josh Covitt, Erick Chavarria, Bill O’Neill, Sam Carson, Niko Posey, David Aaron, Paul Vinson, Michele Lainevool, Adam Nemet, Harrison Polo

REMIX the film via individual spots at the official website!

“It’s a rather ingenious approach, and while the hit-rate isn’t perfect, creativity abounds—it’s astonishing how good some of the spots are, as well as how familiar—its clear how many of the tactics and techniques of the medium Callner has absorbed and re-appropriated. Yet within the jokes there is a tension. Advertising is designed to provoke feelings, and to be relatable to lived experience, but when grafted onto a life’s story arc, complete with joy and tragedy, the result is unnerving. How the film experiments with context in the way the scenes are shot and arranged within the story arc, and the juxtapositions therein, is compelling and slightly subversive.” S/W Curator, Chelsea Lupkin